Including innovations such as PPS™ Paint Preparation System and, more recently, the Accuspray™ System, 3M has a wide range of solutions for car primer or paint applications. The choice of many professional bodyshops for mixing, preparing and applying primer, basecoat and clearcoat.
This revolutionary spray gun concept allows you to have a virtually brand new spray gun on demand. The innovative technology for Accuspray™ Spray Guns for HVLP primer applications with disposable 3M Accuspray™ Atomising Heads was designed from the inside out for the efficient and economical application of material. The atomising heads deliver a large, but well defined pattern, with very low overspray and exceptional atomisation.
3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System has the ability to meet all of the painters requirements for the mixing, preparation and application of primers, basecoats and clearcoats in both large and small applications due to various pot sizes being available.
This disposable mixing system eliminates the need for traditional spray gun mixing pots and paper filters saving time and increasing efficiency. The liners and lids with built in filters form a closed system allowing the spray gun to function at any angle - even upside down! - , which support a safe process and achieve a high quality result.
Specifically designed adapters allow painters to use the PPS™ system with virtually any spray gun.
Safe from outside contamination, the PPS™ system offers a cleaner, more efficient solution for all repairs from small spots to large surfaces.
Enhancing quality, reducing solvent use, minimizing waste whilst maximizing productivity is possible for applications with 3M™ PPS™ Paint Preparation System.
3M™ PPS™ Colour Check Light is a perfect light source within a body shop to check the quality of your work - virtual daylight shows the colour clearly, makes any defects such as swirl marks, holograms or pin holes visible and also highlights any areas of insufficient opacity.